Temple, Leeds


Leading by example.

At CEG, sustainability isn’t simply about compliance. For us, it’s a core principle embedded across our business – our products, our processes and our partnerships. With the built environment contributing around 40% of the UK’s total carbon footprint, we recognise the difference we can make, which means the way we plan, deliver and manage our buildings for sustainability is one of our most important challenges.

We’ve recently set out our own sustainability commitments, created in line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals – a holistic and transparent framework for sustainability strategy.



69 Park Lane, Croydon

Sustainable Towns and Cities.

We create places that positively contribute to the lives of those who live and work within them. As a long-term investor we maintain a lasting commitment to the future of our properties and the communities around them, focusing on ways to help connect, support and add value. We focus on delivering sustainable, efficient buildings and future ready infrastructure. We invest in and actively promote sustainable travel, installing electric car charging points, and cycle facilities to encourage tenants to bike to work.

Alpha, Birmingham

Responsible Consumption and Production.

We are committed to reducing our impact ensuring responsible and efficient consumption of resources. We’re reducing our direct impact by managing the resources used across all our properties, at the same time delivering sustainability improvements through our supply chain. Wherever possible we procure through local suppliers. We’ve also moved to a central waste carrier who delivers 100% diversion from landfill with a high level of recycling, and we’re removing single-use plastics from our cafés.

Kirkstall Forge, Leeds

Affordable and Clean Energy.

Energy is our largest single direct impact and forms a significant part of our carbon footprint. We’re committed to reducing the energy we consume and increasing the proportion of renewable energy we use across our portfolio.

We have moved our electricity to a green supplier, which is expected to save 10,000 t/CO2 – that’s the equivalent of 26,341,438 miles driven by an average car, or 55 trips to the moon!

4D monitoring has been installed at 23 of our sites, which measures: water temperatures, air temperatures, CO2 and air quality. This allows us to closely monitor and minimise usage while maintaining a healthy environment for our colleagues and tenants.

Westminster Place, York

Good Health and Wellbeing.

People are at the heart of everything we do – our colleagues, our tenants and the communities we become part of. They are our greatest asset, and we believe in harnessing and nurturing the potential of everyone we work with. To build thriving, liveable new communities, we work hard to create environments that put people first – promoting health and wellbeing, generating employment and opportunities.


Forging Futures

Decent Work and Economic Growth.

Beyond the immediate community, we understand the wider influence our properties, developments and infrastructure can have, and we work hard to achieve positive outcomes. Community engagement and delivery of social value is a constant focus for us, and one of our greatest strengths. On our communities page we explain how we nurture our team, enable diversity and equality, provide training and skills opportunities, and engage with communities and stakeholders to deliver positive experiences for all.

Carlyon Bay, Cornwall

Climate Action.

We recognise the climate emergency, we always aim to go beyond compliance in reducing our emissions and planning for resilience. Our operational carbon footprint is only part of the story and we’re mindful of the wider impact of construction and the materials used. We consider not only climate change resilience, data resilience, power resilience and business continuity, but also market resilience. By working to reduce emissions across the board, we’re continuing the drive towards a net zero future.

Life on Land.

We recognise that in addition to the climate emergency, we are also facing an ecological emergency. In response, we’re doing all we can to promote a cleaner and greener society, creating a net positive impact on the natural environment across all areas of our business. In addition to the work carried out on our development sites, we are currently trialing the use of non-chemical cleaning products at two of our key sites and planning for a wider roll-out.

To download our new Sustainability Strategy please click here  CEG- Sustainability Strategy -2024-compressed

Talk to us in London or Leeds

Or, contact us through one of our regional centres in Birmingham or Cornwall.

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